NSX-T Installation: Deploy Additional NSX-T Manager Nodes from UI
login into the MSX manager UI https://nsxmanagerip
Click System -> Overview -> Add Nodes:

2Select the Compute Manager from the drop-down menu, enable SSH (if required), enter the cli and root password, DNS, NTP and select the form factor:
Note: Select the same form factor as of the first NSX-T manager deployment in https://virtual-llew.com/nsx-t-deployment-deploy-nsx-t-manager/

Specify the name, vSphere cluster, datastore and network details:

The status could now be monitored from the same screen, screenshot below showing deployment in progress:

A successful deployment will show the “Management Cluster” as Stable, “Cluster Connectivity” as Up and “Repository Status” as Sync Complete, as shown in the screenshot below: