NSX-T Installation: Deploy NSX-T Manager
IP Information
Create four “Host A” records in your DNS server for the three NSX-T Manager/Controller nodes that will be deployed and one for the virtual IP. Her is an example that i have used in my environment
DNS Server
NSX-T Data Center appliance password
- At least 12 characters
- At least one lower-case letter
- At least one upper-case letter
- At least one digit
- At least one special character
- At least five different characters
- Default password complexity rules are enforced by the Linux PAM module
Note: By default, the administrative password for the NSX Manager and NSX Edge appliances expires after 90 days. Please refer to her to see how to change this
Deploying the NSX manager appliance
To deploy an NSX manager/controller node please complete the following: Log on to the vCenter -> Click on the ESXi Host -> Right Click -> Click -> Deploy OVF Template

Either specify the URL or choose the NSX-T Manager’s ova file, and click “Next”:

Specify the “name” of the virtual machine, click “Next”

Select the compute resource i.e. the cluster, resource pool or the host, check compatibility has succeeded and then click “Next”:

Select the deployment configuration size as appropriate and click Next:
Note: For production only medium and large size are supported, for more details check point 11 here.

Select the datastore and appropriate disk format and storage policy. After the compatibility checks are succeeded, click Next:

Select the appropriate destination network i.e. Port Group and IP Protocol, click Next:

Specify the root, admin and audit account’s password and scroll down:

Specify the DNS details, NTP and whether you would require SSH (I have for the purposes of this lab) to be enabled on the NSX-T Manager, click Next:

Review the details and click Finish:

This concludes this step of deploying the first node of NSX-T manager successfully. Access the manager https://nsxmanagerip
The next section will describe how to add more nodes to your management cluster.