NSX-T Installation: Deploy NSX Manager Node to form a cluster using CLI
Open an SSH session to the first deployed NSX Manager node. (In my case nsxmgr01.lab.local)
Log in with the administrator credentials

On the NSX Manager node, run the get certificate api thumbprint command.
The command output is a string of numbers that is unique to this NSX Manager.

Run the get cluster config command to get the first deployed NSX Manager cluster ID.

Run the following CLI command on the additional node (nsxmgr02.lab.local
join <NSX-Manager-IP> cluster-id <cluster-id> username <NSX-Manager-username> password <NSX-Manager-password> thumbprint <NSX-Manager-thumbprint>
join cluster-id e368645e-52d7-4f45-8b81-96c5bd8a13e8 username admin password VMware1!VMware1! thumbprint a2c8d3a95061f9e400e77f84642bcdc87821f977f93a7d4ad3c123fda0e84bed

Creation of the cluster can take 10-15 minutes
Verify the cluster status by running the get cluster status command on your hosts.

verify the cluster connectivity in the GUI (NSX Manager UI) Select System > Appliances > Overview