Adding LDAP as an identity source within NSX-T 3.0
The First step to configure LDAP user or group authentication is to ad an LDAP identity source to the management cluster
In my case i will be using a Windows 2016 AD Server that i use for my lab
Hostname : lab-ad01.lab.local
To configure the LDAP connection:
- Click on system
- Click on Users and Roles
- Click on LDAP

In the LDAP Section click add Identity source

Add the following information in the Identity source configuration:
- The name for your source
- Your Domain name
- LDAP Type Either Open LDAP or AD LDAP
- Base DN name for your users or gorups
- Once complete Click Set

Click Add LDAP Server

The Set LDAP Server menu appear *Note if your using TLS make sure you use the host name as the certificate is issue from the host name not the IP address
Configure the following settings
- The IP address or Host name of the LDAP Server
- LDAP Protocal, LDAP or LDAPS
- LDAP Port
- User login to use as the Bind Identity
- The password for the user used in section 4
- Once the form has been filled click check status

Accept the Certificate issued from the domain controller

Notice the certificate in the certificate box, the click ADD

Now click Apply

LDAP Server Added and connection status Successful