VCF Automation – Build Tools for VMware Aria – Overview of VCF Automation Projects

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Build Tools for VMware Aria

The Build Tools for VMware Aria provide many project types, and this post will focus on those that can be used to manage VCF Automation and VCF Automation Orchestrator content. I will describe what each project is used for and provide some guidelines on which to use for a given use case. I will also give some example commands that can be used to create the projects.

First, let’s take a look at the list of available project types:

  • vRO TypeScript-based
  • vRO JavaScript-based
  • vRO XML-based
  • vRO Mixed
  • vRA 8.x

If you are not familiar with the old product acronyms, vRA = VCF Automation and vRO = VCF Automation Orchestrator.

There are also two legacy project types, but I will not be covering these in this post.

  • vRA 7.x
  • vRA 7.x and vRO

Project Types

The following sections provide examples of the different project types that can be created. Please note that the ‘archetypeVersion‘ variable used in these examples was the version of the Build Tools at the time of writing. Please check the GitHub project if a new version is available as it’s recommended to use the latest.

I recommend creating a root folder to store the project(s). In my examples I use the root folder ‘aria-automation‘.

vRO TypeScript-based Project

This will create a TypeScript project that allows VCF Automation Orchestrator content to be developed and managed like a modern JavaScript project using many of the ECMAScript 6-supported features, module dependencies, class inheritance, and much more.

Workflows, Actions, Configurations, and Resources can all be managed using this project and are developed as .ts files in the native TypeScript language. This has the advantage of managing all Orchestrator content in a single place using the same language.

This project type requires a good level of JavaScript and TypeScript knowledge and has some important points to consider:

  • Code written in TypeScript is converted back to JavaScript during build time. This means that content cannot be ‘pulled’ from the Orchestrator server as there is no mechanism to convert the native JavaScript code to TypeScript;
  • All development must be made in the user’s development environment (i.e. locally using an IDE). This is related to the previous point and also because of the way the JavaScript code is converted and presented on the Orchestrator server;
  • Pushing code to the Orchestrator server can be significant due to the node dependencies that are required;
  • Requires Types/Interfaces to be defined that could massively increase initial delivery times;

Despite these points, this is a great project type if you have TypeScript experience that allows you to truly manage Orchestrator content as an application.

Create a vRO TypeScript-based Project Example

mvn archetype:generate -DinteractiveMode=false -DarchetypeGroupId=com.vmware.pscoe.o11n.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=package-typescript-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=4.2.1 -DgroupId=com.simplygeek -DartifactId=vro-ts

Set ‘groupId‘ and ‘artifactId‘ to your values.

Once complete, you should see a new folder with the name of what artifactId was set to (vro-ts in my example).

In the new folder, under ‘src‘ you should have a folder structure like the following:

Additional folders can be created and referenced using the ‘Import‘ keyword within Actions and Workflows.

vRO JavaScript-based Project

Content in Orchestrator is stored in XML format, including Actions which are just JavaScript functions with XML wrapped around it. This XML format makes it difficult to develop natively and leverage modern tools. The JavaScript-based project allows the development of Orchestrator Actions in native JavaScript format and stored as .js files. The Build Tools takes care of converting the .js files into a format that is supported in Orchestrator and is handled seamlessly in the background. The result is a project where all functions are pure JavaScript.

Note that only Orchestrator Actions are supported by this project type (Workflows, Configurations and Resources are not supported).

Create a vRO JavaScript-based Project Example

mvn archetype:generate -DinteractiveMode=false -DarchetypeGroupId=com.vmware.pscoe.o11n.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=package-actions-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=4.2.1 -DgroupId=com.simplygeek -DartifactId=vro-js

Set ‘groupId‘ and ‘artifactId‘ to your values.

Once complete, you should see a new folder named by the artifactId (vro-js in my example). Within this folder, there will be a sample function in the path ‘src\main\resources\com\simplygeek\vro-js‘ where ‘com\simplygeek\vro-js‘ is derived from the groupId and artifactId values.

 * Write a brief description of the purpose of the action.
 * @param {number} x - describe each parameter as in JSDoc format.
 * @param {number} y - you can use different vRO types.
 * @returns {number} - describe the return type as well
(function (x, y) {
    return x + y;

I recommend removing this folder later once you have created new functions but it can be useful for the initial testing (pushing/pulling code).

To create new functions (Actions) simply create a folder structure which is based on the module path in Orchestrator. As per my example, if there was an Action in Orchestrator called ‘myFunction‘ in the module ‘com.simplygeek‘, this would be represented as a folder structure ‘com/simplygeek‘ which contains a file called ‘myFunction.js‘. Use the sample function for the initial boilerplate for these functions.

It is important to note lines 1-6, which is the JSDoc block used to describe the function. Build Tools uses this information when creating the Action in Orchestrator and for defining the inputs and return type (the parameters within the function() are ignored during this process).

vRO XML-based Project

This project will allow content in Orchestrator to be managed in its native XML format for the development of Workflows, Configurations and Resources (Actions are also supported but will be wrapped in XML and are therefore not recommended (use JavaScript-based projects for this!)).

Create a vRO XML-based Project Example

mvn archetype:generate -DinteractiveMode=false -DarchetypeGroupId=com.vmware.pscoe.o11n.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=package-xml-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=4.2.1 -DgroupId=com.simplygeek -DartifactId=vro-xml -DworkflowsPath=Simplygeek

Set ‘groupId‘ and ‘artifactId‘ to your values. Set ‘workflowsPath‘ to the name (or path) of the root folder for the Orchestrator Workflows (do not use Library as this already exists). This can also be changed later by simply renaming the folder that is created or creating a new folder (or multiple folders if desired).

Once complete, you should see a new folder with the name of what artifactId was set to (vro-xml in my example). Within this folder, there will be a sample Workflow in the path ‘src\main\resources\Workflow\Simplygeek‘ where ‘Simplygeek‘ is derived from the workflowsPath value.

vRO Mixed Project

The Mixed project is a ‘virtual‘ Maven project that contains two underlying projects, a JavaScript-based and an XML-based project. A virtual Maven project allows these to be managed as a single entity using a single set of Maven commands/goals to push/pull content to/from Orchestrator.

As per the Build Tools documentation, this project is recommended for the initial onboarding of existing Orchestrator code into the solution. Later, code should be moved and managed within their respective project types.

Create a vRO Mixed Project Example

mvn archetype:generate -DinteractiveMode=false -DarchetypeGroupId=com.vmware.pscoe.o11n.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=package-mixed-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=4.2.1 -DgroupId=com.simplygeek -DartifactId=vro-mixed -DworkflowsPath=Simplygeek

Set ‘groupId‘ and ‘artifactId‘ to your values. Set ‘workflowsPath‘ to the name (or path) of the root folder for the Orchestrator Workflows (do not use Library as this already exists). This can also be changed later by simply renaming the folder that is created or creating a new folder (or multiple folders if desired).

Once complete, you should see a new folder with the name of what artifactId was set to (vro-mixed in my example). Within this folder, there will be two subfolders, ‘actions‘ and ‘workflows‘. These are Maven projects based on the ‘package-actions-archetype‘ and ‘package-xml-archetype‘ archetypes, respectively.

These subprojects follow the same folder structure as per the examples above for the respective project type.

vRA 8.x Project

The VCF Automation 8.x project type allows the management of all VCF Automation content that includes:

  • Cloud Templates (blueprints);
  • Custom Forms
  • Subscriptions
  • Catalog Items
  • Content Sources
  • Property Groups
  • Policies
  • Catalog Entitlements
  • Resource Actions
  • Image / Flavor Mappings
  • Storage Profiles

Create a vRA 8.x Project Example

mvn archetype:generate -DinteractiveMode=false -DarchetypeGroupId=com.vmware.pscoe.vra-ng.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=package-vra-ng-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=4.2.1 -DgroupId=com.simplygeek -DartifactId=vra-content

Set ‘groupId‘ and ‘artifactId‘ to your values.

Once complete, you should see a new folder named by the artifactId (vra-content in my example). Within this folder, there will be the following folder structure under ‘src\main\resources‘:

At the root of the project, there will be a ‘content.yaml‘ file with the following content:

  - Volume
subscription: []
  - small
  - medium
image-mapping: []
storage-profile: []
    export-tag: "env:dev"
    import-tags: ["env:dev", "env:test"]
catalog-item: []
custom-resource: []
resource-action: []
catalog-entitlement: []

property-group: []
  content-sharing: []

content-source: []

These lists represent the content items that will be pushed or pulled from the VCF Automation platform, regardless of which content exists within the project. The best approach when starting is to populate content in VCF Automation and then update this file with the items. Then simply pull down the content, which can be managed within the project thereafter.

Hopefully, this is enough to get started with the various project types available and I will provide further content to cover these in more depth soon.

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